
浙江凯瑞博是全球织物标签行业的领导者之一。公司成立于 1982 年,致力于研究、开发、生产和销售商标印刷材料和系统。现有的织物标签产品线包括尼龙带、切边带、织边带、聚酯带、醋酸纤维带、棉带、不干胶带、热熔胶、无纺布、杜邦纸等,产品种类繁多;而我们提供的印刷系统则涉及热转印打印机、管理软件、水洗色带和柔性版油墨等,一站式解决印刷难题。几十年来,一大批国际时装和家纺品牌采用了 King Label 的解决方案,产品远销 120 多个国家和地区。以客户满意为目标,公司不仅在国内拥有年产上亿平方米商标面料的先进生产线,还在香港、越南、孟加拉等地设立子公司,建立本地化的生产、服务和物流体系,打造全球分销能力,并运用SAP系统对企业进行精益管理。

  • 1982
    founded in
  • 3
    production bases
  • 120+
    countries and regions from the global

凯瑞博与国内多所 211 工程大学建立了长期合作关系,其研发中心有 10 多人拥有硕士学位。公司已获得多项发明专利,并倡导客户与技术部门之间的频繁互动。其供应的各种材料通过了 TESTEX® 瑞士 OEKO-TEX STANDARD100 CLASS I 认证,公司先后通过了 IS9001、14000、1800 体系认证,并始终严格控制安全、环保、质量并重。公司实施可持续发展战略,在行业内率先对能源、水和蒸汽循环系统进行大规模的系统改造,开发再生产品,为产业链的环保做出贡献。

King Label 是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。

Ltd. changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. the company entered a period of change and transformation, Huzhou Kerabo Coating Co., Ltd. formally changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. and formally started the first batch of the production process of the webbing in the new factory invested and built in Jiepu.
Ltd. changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. the company entered a period of change and transformation, Huzhou Kerabo Coating Co., Ltd. formally changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. and formally started the first batch of the production process of the webbing in the new factory invested and built in Jiepu.
Ltd. changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. the company entered a period of change and transformation, Huzhou Kerabo Coating Co., Ltd. formally changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. and formally started the first batch of the production process of the webbing in the new factory invested and built in Jiepu.
Ltd. changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. the company entered a period of change and transformation, Huzhou Kerabo Coating Co., Ltd. formally changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. and formally started the first batch of the production process of the webbing in the new factory invested and built in Jiepu.
Ltd. changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. the company entered a period of change and transformation, Huzhou Kerabo Coating Co., Ltd. formally changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. and formally started the first batch of the production process of the webbing in the new factory invested and built in Jiepu.
Ltd. changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. the company entered a period of change and transformation, Huzhou Kerabo Coating Co., Ltd. formally changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. and formally started the first batch of the production process of the webbing in the new factory invested and built in Jiepu.
Ltd. changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. the company entered a period of change and transformation, Huzhou Kerabo Coating Co., Ltd. formally changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. and formally started the first batch of the production process of the webbing in the new factory invested and built in Jiepu.
Ltd. changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. the company entered a period of change and transformation, Huzhou Kerabo Coating Co., Ltd. formally changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. and formally started the first batch of the production process of the webbing in the new factory invested and built in Jiepu.
Ltd. changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. the company entered a period of change and transformation, Huzhou Kerabo Coating Co., Ltd. formally changed and transformed into Zhejiang Kerabo Technology Co., Ltd. and formally started the first batch of the production process of the webbing in the new factory invested and built in Jiepu.